Hi there 👋
My name is Bálint Csóka and I’m a software engineer with 12+ years of software development experience, holding an IET and an iSAQB certification from Slovakia, working on cloud-first applications.
I’m focusing on becoming a great tech lead with a deep knowledge about software development and team management. I obtained my master’s degree in Software Engineering (CEng) in 2016 from the Faculty of Informatics and Information Technologies, at the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava.
I very much enjoy creating both web and desktop applications, both on-premise and in the cloud, and being a productive member of the team. I always look forward to work with people and realize ideas. I’m always interested in connecting with colleagues or friends. Feel free to contact me, if we’ve had business together, or you would like us to have in the future.
In my free time I enjoy the time spent with my family and I dedicate myself to improve Spanish language skills, in addition to my technical skills. Currently I speak English and Slovak fluently, German somewhat fluently 🙂 And of course, Hungarian, which is my native. I love to read and go skiing whenever my time allows.
Meanwhile you can check out a couple of my finished projects I’ve been working on for the last 10 years.
The programming languages I like the best are C#, Python and for my personal projects, Swift. I enjoy working both on the user interfaces and backend-related tasks, but I’m most passionate about complex tasks including both.
In case I need to store some data in any project, I usually choose a SQL database, when it best fits the use case, such as MSSQL, MySQL, AWS RDS, Aurora. I also have experience with NoSQL databases like Mongo, Elastic, OpenSearch, Redis, and some cloud-native ones like CosmosDB and DynamoDB.